Hourly Rate Calculator


Tired of battling yourself on your hourly rate and pricing on projects?

All we need is a little clarity sometimes to gain confidence in what we are charging for the services we provide. This takes self-doubt out of the equation when you're sending that proposal to your next client, giving you the confidence to charge for your services properly! Understand your lifestyle, your money, and what you need to run your business. And stop questioning your price points!

Introducing: The Hourly Rate Calculator

Get a better grasp of what you should be charging at an hourly rate based off of your expenses in 3 easy steps!

This is a FREE digital download, Excel spreadsheet file that also works in pages.

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Tired of battling yourself on your hourly rate and pricing on projects?

All we need is a little clarity sometimes to gain confidence in what we are charging for the services we provide. This takes self-doubt out of the equation when you're sending that proposal to your next client, giving you the confidence to charge for your services properly! Understand your lifestyle, your money, and what you need to run your business. And stop questioning your price points!

Introducing: The Hourly Rate Calculator

Get a better grasp of what you should be charging at an hourly rate based off of your expenses in 3 easy steps!

This is a FREE digital download, Excel spreadsheet file that also works in pages.

Tired of battling yourself on your hourly rate and pricing on projects?

All we need is a little clarity sometimes to gain confidence in what we are charging for the services we provide. This takes self-doubt out of the equation when you're sending that proposal to your next client, giving you the confidence to charge for your services properly! Understand your lifestyle, your money, and what you need to run your business. And stop questioning your price points!

Introducing: The Hourly Rate Calculator

Get a better grasp of what you should be charging at an hourly rate based off of your expenses in 3 easy steps!

This is a FREE digital download, Excel spreadsheet file that also works in pages.

Discovery Call Sheets
Project Rate Calculator